State of Insanity

Covid is still ravaging this country and only a few states are enjoying declining case numbers. Many of the states with the highest cases per capita are in the South and are led by Republicans. They, and their followers, have been rallying against the vaccine despite the fact that trump has been credited for it. They protests vaccines. They protest masks. They don’t trust medical science enough to trust the vaccine, but when they get Covid, they DO trust medical science enough to go to the hospital to be treated. I guess they don’t like getting injected with chemicals until after they’re sick.

Now we have over-burdened hospitals and we’re even starting to run out of the medicines used to treat Covid patients. Tennessee has decided to prioritize the unvaccinated for treatment and some state leaders are criticizing Biden for taking some of their resources so that they can be distributed to other hospitals that need them as well. First, I say all hospitals should kick out all unvaccinated patients. Just rip them out of the beds and toss them onto the street. These people don’t give a damn about their health and this is what they wanted. They want their freedom? Fine. They can die for it. The fact that these selfish monsters who refused to safeguard themselves from a deadly virus are now filling our hospitals to capacity and forcing those hospitals to turn away other patients, some with non-Covid related illnesses, is disgusting and hypocritical. If they would just take the shots, they either wouldn’t get sick in the first place, or if they did get sick, it wouldn’t be as bad.

The reality is now that when they get the virus, they get pumped full of drugs, get tubes stuck down their throat and up their rear and are in constant pain as they lay in that bed alone for days and sometimes weeks. And after all of that, there is no promise they will survive. After all of that, they may still die. And two little jabs of a free vaccine could have prevented it all. Now they want their children to die because they push against mandates in schools. I get they treasure their freedom but this is not an issue of freedom and personal libert. It is a public health issue and they do not have the right to infect me or anyone else with this virus because my freedom to remain healthy is as valid as their freedom to kill themselves. If the disease were non-communicable then I would agree with them, but it’s not. It’s a deadly disease that spreads as easily as the common cold and it can kill. If that doesn’t scare you, then you’re an idiot. That is downright terrifying and what’s more terrifying is there could be a new variant coming down the road that is invincible to existing vaccines and medicines. The longer it spreads the more likely that will happen, if it hasn’t happened already. Your freedom ends where mine begins so if you don’t want to get vaccinated or wear a mask, fine. Just stay home then because you have no right to spread this virus, and no one can tell who has it by just looking. I’m not going to risk my life because you think you are special and won’t get sick. There are some people who have no symptoms of the virus but they can spread it just the same. Until you are ready to join human society and protect them and yourself by getting vaccinated, do us all a favor and stay isolated. I think of the people who suffered through the Spanish Flu pandemic all those years ago. If they could see us today. In the face of a global pandemic and refusing a proven and safe vaccine. What fools we must look like to them.

If you’re hesitant because you don’t like being told what to do and are just being contrary, swallow the foolish pride and get the shot. Whatever side effect the shot may give you is nothing compared to what Covid will do to you. Even if you survive you may have heart and lung issues for the rest of your life. This isn’t the flu. We have aisles of medicine at the supermarket for flu symptoms and relief, but nothing for Covid. The masks and vaccine are pretty much our only weapons right now. But for how much longer? How long before this thing reaches a point of no return? That day is coming, but it doesn’t have to. Embrace the science and get vaccinated before it’s too late.

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